Social Worker Who Overtook On Blind Corners Fined £400
A social worker who was convicted on a charge of careless driving on the A7 in Selkirk blamed her behaviour on running late for an appointment in Hawick.
Selkirk Sheriff Court was told yesterday how Janice Beckett attempted to overtake on blind corners when it was unsafe to do so as she went past Selkirk High School on June 1.
She was also flashing her headlights, sounding her horn and gesticulating aggressively to other road users.
Beckett reacted angrily when a driver in front, an off-duty traffic police officer, put up three fingers to indicate that she was in a 30mph zone as she thought he was gesturing to her.
Her lawyer explained she was running late for a meeting about a child going into foster care.
Beckett, of Sloan Street, Leith, was fined £400 and eight penalty points put on her licence.