Call For More Local NHS24 Centres

Scottish Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon today called for NHS24 to increase its number of smaller call centres so there is a base in every health board area.

Ms Sturgeon urged the controversial helpline to open a string of smaller bases which she said would be good for patient care.

An annual review today heard the service had suffered from a “call centre culture” where staff recruitment has proved difficult. It was also criticised last year in a fatal accident inquiry over the deaths of two people who received advice from it.

Ms Sturgeon said: “One of the early and frequent criticisms of NHS24 was people would phone up and the person they were talking to did not have a scoobie about where they lived. Having local centres does enhance a degree of local knowledge. Certainly the patients I’ve spoken to mentioned that. They thought it was better to speak to someone at the end of the phone who knew their area.”

Questioning health bosses, she also raised the problem of staff recruitment and the problems it might create. She said: “There’s a call centre culture perhaps more than a professional culture.”

Officials admitted this had in the past been a problem. Eileen Burns, nurse director at NHS24, said: “I think the organisation has been too focused on operational targets.”

But this issue had been recognised she said and efforts were now being concentrated on the outcomes delivered by the service. Moves to improve the service included making sure teams worked together more regularly and more local centres with locally recruited staff.

Ms Burns also said a project to get local call centres was well under way. Five were already up and running, and four more were planned. This would mean all but two of Scotland’s mainland health boards would have such centres.

Ms Sturgeon also urged NHS24 to focus on its core services, and not to be distracted by ambitious expansion plans. She said: “There has been talk of expanding the role of NHS24, but it must concentrate on the role of delivering core services. I am very impressed with the improvement we have seen.”