Booking In For Healthy Eating

A new children’s book promoting the importance of healthy eating at a young age has been launched. When Sammy met Sally explains to children in a language they can understand the benefits of establishing good eating habits for the rest of their lives.

Plans are in place for the book to be rolled out to nurseries across Scotland. Speaking during a visit to Ladywell Nursery in Tullibody, Clackmannanshire, Health Minister Andy Kerr said:

“The Executive is committed to giving our children the best start in life. Healthy meals and snacks give children the nutrition they need to grow and develop and make the most of their time at nursery. Projects like these support these messages by encouraging a healthy attitude to food.”

Headteacher of Ladywell Nursery Marianne Patterson said: “The nursery is delighted to see the book in print and to have the Minister along today to show it to the children. It has very good messages about healthy eating written in a fun way that captures the children’s imagination.”

When Sammy met Sally supports the Executive’s Hungry for Success programme. It aims to increase children’s experience of healthy food in the broadest sense.

The Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Bill aims to ensure that all food provided in schools meets defined nutritional standards.

The book was the development of Albert Bartlett & Son, a supplier of root vegetables. The company has a healthyliving programme and Michelin star winning chef Andrew Fairlie has been working alongside them to promote healthy living.