Increase In Drug Seizures In Scotland

Statistics released today show that in the last five years there has been a continuing increase in the amount of Class A, Class B and Class C drugs seized by the police. Justice Minister Cathy Jamieson said: “Drugs and the people who peddle them are a scourge on our communities.

“These figures show that Scotland’s police forces are continuing to play a vital and uncompromising role in combating this evil trade. The increase in the number of hard drugs seized shows that the strong enforcement action is paying off.

“An important element of this work is the Executive’s Drug Dealers Don’t Care campaign which has already resulted in over 5,000 calls to Crimestoppers, 530 arrests and the seizure of over £1.6 million worth of cash and drugs.

“I believe that professional police and a committed, involved public send a powerful message to dealers that Scotland is determined to stand up to them. However, enforcement alone will not stop the terrible impact drugs have on our country. We need to be alive to the emerging threats of crack and cocaine and ensure that we have measures that keep more of our young people free from drugs.

“Our drugs strategy is based around enforcement, prevention, education and treatment and rehabilitation. The Know the Score campaign and other education programmes in our schools are helping prevent young people from being lured into taking drugs.

“Illegal drug misuse is a difficult and ever-changing problem. That is why we have increased the number of treatment places and have nearly doubled our investment in treatment to ensure that people are helped to get drug free.

“Drugs continue to blight too many lives in Scotland and we are not complacent. We are determined to step up our work with all the agencies involved – tackling criminals, educating against the dangers, and breaking the links between addiction and offending.”

The publication Drug Seizures by Scottish Police Forces 2004/05 and 2005/06 can be found at: