Cuffing Prisoners in Labour Wrong

The chief inspector of prisons yesterday criticised the “quite disgraceful” practice of double-cuffing female prisoners in Scotland when held under escort – including during labour. Dr Andrew McLellan also disclosed that the number of women prisoners had doubled in the past decade.The revelations, based on an inspection of Cornton Vale in February, prompted calls from campaigners and politicians for drastic reforms.

Dr McLellan said: “The greatest concern raised by prisoners and staff was double-cuffing. All prisoners leaving Cornton Vale for any reason, except for a work placement, will have their wrists handcuffed together and then handcuffed to a custody officer.

“Two prisoners had recently given birth and had been handcuffed in the labour room almost until the birth itself. They were immediately handcuffed again after giving birth.

“There is always a balance to be found between security and humanity, but, in the case of women giving birth, the security considerations would need to be extraordinarily high to justify this practice.”

Dr McLellan said prison staff also told of children’s hearings mothers were absent because prisoners could not bring themselves to be double-cuffed in front of their children.

Last night, the Scottish Prison Service gave assurances that, following Dr McLellan’s inspection, double-cuffing was no longer standard practice and the cuffing of women about to give birth had ended.

A spokesman said changes were brought in during and after Dr McLellan’s inspection. Dr McLellan added later that he hoped the practice had ended forever. The revelation that the number of female prisoners in Scotland had doubled in 10 years led to calls for the closure of women’s prisons
In the past decade, the Scottish Executive has made three separate promises to reduce the prison population, but none has been fulfilled. From an average of 174 in 1995/6, it reached a high of 353 in November 2005.

Dr McLellan said: “During this inspection, the number of prisoners was 326, half of whom were convicted of violent offences.

“In 1998, the Chief Inspector of Prisons and the Chief Inspector of Social Work said joint strategies should be put in place to reduce the daily female population at Cornton Vale from more than 170 to 100 or less by the end of 2000. Today, that sounds fanciful.”

Frances Crook, director of the Howard League for Penal Reform, said the vast majority of female prisoners could be managed safely in the community.

Ms Crook said the government needed “to think radically about reducing the women’s prison population so that only those very few women who do pose a danger to the public remain in custody”.

Stewart Stevenson, SNP Shadow Deputy Justice Minister, said: “We know we must lock up dangerous criminals who pose a threat to society, but there are still far too many people in prison who shouldn’t be.”

The report comments on some good work with addictions, but says it is a small contribution to a huge problem in the lives of these women.

It highlights good mental-health work and efforts to prevent suicide and reduce self-harm.

It adds: “For most prisoners in Cornton Vale, their time of imprisonment is unlikely to heal the desperate things that are wrong with them in body, mind and spirit when they are admitted.”