Dorset launches new method of tackling Motor Neurone Disease

DORSET health teams have launched a new approach to supporting residents living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

Set up in conjunction with the MND Association and trusts across the county, Dorset Healthcare has set up Care Pathways which aims to improve the care for people living with the rapidly progressive neurological disease by responding to stages of the illness from diagnosis through to end of life care.

The four pathways – the Care Pathway; Nutrition; Respiratory and End of Life – were launched by Professor Christopher Shaw, head of clinical neuroscience at Kings College London, at an event attended by health and social care professionals from across Dorset.

Each of the four pathways provide professional guidance with a detailed care plan, ensuring that care is co-ordinated throughout the journey of the disease and that symptoms are spotted and treated as early on as possible.

Kim Dix, professional leader for Physiotherapy Long Term Conditions Therapy, said: “MND is a devastating and complex disease that quickly progresses so it’s vital that it is recognised immediately.

“The new Care Pathways allows multidisciplinary working across the various services involved in treating MND and it’s through this joined up approach that care will be improved.

“With so many things to consider during the treatment of MND, from speech therapy and wheelchair services to nutrition and occupational therapy, this new approach goes a long way in delivering a unified, tailored service which will ultimately enhance the quality of care received.”