One month left to have your say on the draft Care and Support Bill
There is one month left to comment on the draft Care and Support Bill and have your say on the largest overhaul of the law around adult care and support in 60 years.
The draft Care and Support Bill site allows you to find out about the draft Bill and comment online.
The site has already attracted well over one hundred comments from users of services, carers and providers. So far, clause 3 on promoting diversity and quality in the provision of services, and clause 34 on the local authorities role in relation to safeguarding adults at risk of abuse or neglect, have attracted the most comments.
The Bill proposes a single, modern law for adult care and support that replaces existing outdated and complex legislation.
It aims to transform the social care system to focus on prevention and the needs and goals of people requiring care.
It also includes a number of health measures, including the law needed to establish Health Education England and the Health Research Authority.
Comments recevied on the draft Bill will feed directly into the process of parliamentary scrutiny. They will be used to assist and challenge the government in considering how to improve the proposals in the draft Bill.
You can post comments on the draft Bill until 19 October 2012.
To contribute or for more information, visit;