Nice opens applications for social care fellowships
Social care professionals can influence the development of new quality standards by taking part in Nice’s fellowship programme
Social care professionals are being offered the opportunity to help shape new quality standards for the sector.
The NHS reforms widened the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’s (Nice) remit to include developing standards for social care in England. It is preparing to publish the first quality standards in April.
The institute is now encouraging senior social care professionals to apply for its fellowship programme which gives fellows the chance to help develop Nice’s guidance programmes and initiatives, support the implementation of its guidance, gain a better understanding of how Nice works and network with other advocates of evidence-based practice.
The fellowship scheme, which recognises the achievement of those who are working to improve quality of care, was broadened last year to include those from a social care background. Applications are now open for next year’s intake. Fellow positions are for three years and are unpaid.
Developing practical guidance
Louise Brown, a senior lecturer in social work at the University of Bath became a Nice fellow last year. She said: “What we’ve been doing with Nice is to help develop the processes they will use for developing practice guidance and quality standards.
“Social care is completely new and different for them. We’re helping them to engage with a social care audience — who the key stake holders are, what language to use. All of that needs a lot of careful thought.”
Brown, who was previously a trustee for two years at the Social Care Institute for Excellence, was keen to apply for the Nice fellowship to contribute to its social care work programme.
The former social worker said: “It was a very easy decision for me, I thought it made sense to move with the brief. The adoption of social care by Nice represents a huge challenge and it is really important for the sector that we get this right.”
Work so far
The fellows have contributed to the first two pilots for standards relating to the care of people with dementia and the health and wellbeing of looked-after children and young people. They have also identified potential topics that could be developed into quality standards.
Brown said: “We drew up an initial list of 20 to 30 areas of practice we thought were most important and presented them to Nice.”
She added: “You are ultimately helping to develop and raise practice standards in your discipline. I’ve learned a tremendous amount.”
Julia Scott, chief executive of the British Association and College of Occupational Therapists, also became a Nice fellow last year.
She began her career working as an occupational therapist for the NHS and the later for social services. She says her experience of both healthcare and social care places her in a good position to advise Nice on its new challenges.
“I’ve worked on both sides of the divide,” she said. “Nice are very serious about this piece of work. It’s not their natural environment. They are learning a lot about social care.”
She said their role as fellows is one of “critical friends”.
Scott added: “We think about the context of the standards, the breadth, the language. We offer commentary, thoughts and input as work has developed. I tried to bring the allied health professionals’ perspective.”
Scott said she tried to make sure there was always a focus on the impact of the standards.
Dr Gillian Leng, deputy chief executive of Nice, said: “As the health and social care sectors develop new ways of working, a connection with Nice and the advice of an established network of experts across evidence-based practice could be an exciting prospect for both individuals and their employers.”
Nice will award 10 fellowships, as well as 10 scholarships, which are more project-based and run for 12 months. The posts begin in April 2013 and fellows are expected to devote approximately 7.5 hours per month. The positions are unpaid, but Nice will meet expenses such as travel and accommodation.
To apply visit . Applications must be submitted to Nice by 5pm on Friday 9 November.