New guide to help people with learning disabilities get the best from the NHS

A learning disability charity has launched a new easier-read resource about what to expect from the NHS.

The booklet produced by The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities provides practical hints and tips for people with learning disabilities, family carers and anyone who supports a person with learning disabilities on how best to use the NHS, what to expect, real life examples of challenges as well as advice about how to get help and useful contacts.

Alison Giraud-Saunders, consultant at the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, said: “Through our many years of work to improve health outcomes for people with learning disabilities, we know that people with learning disabilities and family carers often lack information about how to get the best care from the NHS.

“Health care systems can be confusing and stressful for anyone and it is difficult to know what extra help you can get if you are disabled.”

The resource is organised into sections including: what the NHS is, tips about looking after and making decisions about your health, and how to go about using the NHS, as well as practical tips about what it’s like to go to the doctor or nurse or to go to hospital for an appointment.

Each section draws on the real experiences of people with learning disabilities and is illustrated by stories to show what a ‘good’ service from the NHS looks like.

Ms Giraud-Saunders said: “We hope that this new resource will prove a real help to people with learning disabilities, their families and supporters and make a significant difference to their experiences of the NHS.”

The booklet was funded by the Valuing People Now programme.

The booklet can be downloaded from the charity’s website at: