Reading children’s services just ‘adequate’

Services to protect and care for children in Reading are only reaching minimum standards, according to Government inspectors.

And some parts of the health provision for children are failing.

A report by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission into safeguarding and looked-after children services published this month ranked the borough’s performance as ‘adequate’.

Reading Borough Council has seen a seven per cent increase in the number of children using the service over the past 18 months, against two per cent nationally.

The Ofsted report said: “Children and young people at immediate risk of significant harm are identified and responded to in a timely way to ensure they are protected and partner agencies collaborate well operationally to safeguard children and young people.

“The council meets its statutory requirements for the management and delivery of safeguarding services.”

Health was highlighted by inspectors as the main area of concern and in need of improvement in relation to access to services and provision of information appropriate to age.

The report said: “Health providers either do not provide sufficient resources, or they do not meet national guidance and expectations in several areas.

“In these areas, training and practising for safeguarding are insufficiently embedded.”

As a result a number of recommendations have been made to NHS Berkshire and Berkshire Healthcare Foundation NHS to improve services.

The report noted that systems were in place to measure performance, but these were “neither sufficiently robust nor embedded” to secure improvements.

However the report added: “Strong political leadership and a commitment to safeguarding are ensuring high prioritisation of children’s safety and protection within the council’s strategic priorities.”

It went on to praise how the service had increased staffing, despite a tight financial budget.

In addition, training and development needs were recognised.

The report said: “Staff across the partnership report they enjoy working in the borough and demonstrate commitment to the values of the partnership and its priorities and direction.”

The council has already taken action to extend processes in children’s social care to monitor consistency and quality along with the introduction of a quarterly independent review.

Together with NHS Berkshire and other partners it will also be establishing a number of robust, agreed quality standards for safeguarding practice across the partnership.

The report said: “The council and its members demonstrate good ambition for looked-after children and young people and have prioritised resources and specific areas of practice improvement.”

The need for the council to improve the provision of in-house foster carers was also noted.

John Ennis, lead councillor for education and children’s services, said: “This is an encouraging report in what is the most important of all areas of the council’s work.

“It is clear, however, that there is still a considerable amount of work to be done to help drive through further improvements.

“We will now continue to work closely with our partners to make sure the improvements that are needed are delivered.”