Plans for new £6.5m care home take shape in Cumbria

PLANS for a revolutionary care facility are coming to fruition. Cumbria County Council has started the concept design phase of the new 60-bed home for dementia sufferers.

The council hopes to have plans for the £6.5m home, which will be built on the site of the former George Basterfield home, finalised by the end of February.

Mark Hastings, manager for adult social care provision at Cumbria County Council, told a meeting of the local committee for Barrow on Friday, that the council wanted the facility to be of the highest standard.

Mr Hastings said: “The new build really is exciting. We want something that is homely and which reflects domestic living.

“The design concept is for to support the residents, whilst allowing them to be independent. Often this can be something as simple as having access to a garden without having to have contact with a carer.”

GB Building Solutions Ltd were appointed to carry out the design.

Mr Hastings said they were selected because they understood that care needs must drive the design.

The company’s communications manager John Owen said the company wanted to involve local people and organisations in the project.

Mr Owen said “We can build it, but what we are interesting in is producing something quite different. We want something that’s got everything the residents need and we want something special for Barrow.”

Mr Owen said local contractors would be used to carry out the work, and over 60 companies in Barrow had expressed in taking part.

The meeting heard that residents had all been successfully relocated from George Basterfield House last year, and all staff had been transferred to other positions apart from those who had opted for voluntary redundancy.

The building is set to be demolished on the week commencing February 6.

West Point House on Walney was closed in March of last year, and has now been sold to a developer who is converting the building into flats.

Rock Lea and Bevan House will also close once the new facility opens, with residents being given priority to move into the new home.