CWDC proposes move to just eight standards

The Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC) has launched a ten-week online consultation on the standards underpinning Early Years Professional Status as part of its overall review of the programme.

A key aim is to streamline the existing 39 standards and ensure they link with others, such as those for health and social care. They were originally launched in 2007 as a basis for the assessment and accreditation of the award.

A number of factors have influenced their redrafting. Policy developments, feedback on the current standards from EYPs and training providers, and advice from an external reference group, have resulted in a dramatically reduced eight standards.

The consultation runs from 16 January to 23 March. Feedback will be analysed by CWDC and then presented to the Government for endorsement.

Training providers will implement a revised EYPS programme in September 2012, incorporating the new standards and reflecting the most up-to-date ideas in early years practice and leadership.

Over 7,000 practitioners are expected to achieve  the Status over the lifetime of the new 2012 – 2015 programme, boosting the current numbers which stand at more than 8,500. CWDC has offered 1,700 funded places for this January’s intake of candidates.


To achieve EYPS it is proposed that candidates must demonstrate how they:

     Support the healthy growth and development of children from birth to the age of five

    Work directly with children and in partnership with their families to facilitate learning and development

    Safeguard and promote the welfare of children

    Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge every child

    Make use of engagement, observation and assessment to meet the individual needs of every child

    Plan provision taking account of the individual needs of every child

    Fulfil wider professional responsibilities by promoting positive partnership working to support the child

    Lead practice and foster a culture of continuous development.

To take part in the consultation go to