Care firm to provide 100 jobs in South West
MORE than 100 new jobs have been created for care workers in Dorset. South West care company Sunshine Care is meeting extra demand in the county by recruiting 100 new workers over the next two months.
Some 85 new care and support workers and 25 extra nursing agency staff will be recruited for the live-in care service over the next few weeks.
Director Paul Constantine said the company offered training and was looking to provide people without work with an opportunity.
“We offer excellent training that meets Skills for Care standards and aim to provide low-income individuals with education, training and supportive supervision services that will help them prepare to enter and advance in careers in the healthcare sector.
“Chronic diseases, most of which are preventable, are one of the main reasons health care costs have soared over the past several decades.
“Investing in our social care workforce will strengthen the role that wellness and prevention play in our health care system.”