New care home operator takes over 240 Southern Cross sites
Southern Cross’s largest landlord NHP and turnaround experts Court Cavendish have formed a new company that becomes the UK’s third largest care home operator.
HC-One formally began providing care at 241 former Southern Cross homes yesterday, following the collapse of the UK’s biggest operator earlier this year.
At the firm’s official launch, HC-One chairman Chai Patel said he wanted the firm to be “the kindest in the UK, with the kindest and most professional staff where each and every one matters and each and every one can make a difference”.
HC-One has employed around 14,400 former Southern Cross employees and made 263 appointments above care home level. These include Anne Williams, former national director for learning disabilities for England, who joins as a non-executive director.
The UK’s largest operator is Four Seasons Health Care, which has taken on around 140 Southern Cross homes and now runs almost 500.