Officer says serious case review into dad’s rapes of daughters is not necessary

Bradford Council chiefs have insisted prompt action has been taken to ensure the safety of three girls who were sexually abused by their father.

The 50-year-old Bradford man, who cannot be identified, to protect his children, was jailed for 12 years on Monday for having sex with his daughters.

He pleaded guilty to raping the eldest girl when she was aged between 14 and 16; raping his youngest daughter when she was 11 or 12; and having sex with the third daughter, who gave birth to his child when she was 13.

Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC told him: “This was a significant abuse of trust of all three of your daughters, all of whom are particularly vulnerable.”

Julie Jenkins, Bradford Council’s assistant director for children’s social care, said yesterday: “Bradford children’s services are aware of this case and have taken prompt action to ensure the children are safe. Bradford Safeguarding Children Board has not commissioned a serious case review in respect of this case, but will continue to review this in light of available information.

“We became involved when one of the daughters had a difficult birth and immediately started working with the police to address the family circumstances.

“The purpose of a serious case review, as directed by the Government, is to shed light on whether lessons can be learned about the way local professionals and agencies work together in the light of a child death, where abuse or neglect are suspected.

“In this case, there were not any concerns about how the agencies worked together, as ourselves and the police took action immediately, both on legal and social welfare grounds, so the Bradford Children’s Safeguarding Board decided a review was not necessary.”

Councillor Ralph Berry, executive member for children’s services, said it was a shocking and appalling case.

He said: “We must work very carefully to rebuild the lives of those who have been damaged by an appalling course of conduct. That requires highly skilled, professional social work.

“I am confident staff will be doing their level best to support these young people as they recover from the abuse that has been perpetrated by their father. They have been robbed of their childhood.”