Moving social workers to the front of the stage

When a social worker finds themselves in the spotlight it’s generally because something has gone wrong. Jane Haywood explains why the profession needs to learn to hog the limelight

Better support and training for those in social work will be critical if we are to help the profession take ownership of the next stage of their development.

I often feel that working in children’s social work can feel as if you’re in the beam of a super trouper – the most powerful spotlight that follows actors across the stage. As in the theatre, the focus is rightly on those at the front, rather than behind the scenes. However, unlike actors, social workers don’t seek the spotlight and for them the light shines most fiercely when cues are missed or lines fluffed. The many excellent performances to small but important audiences go largely unrecognised.

There are thousands of people out there who want to make social work their career of choice but are put off by the thought of being trapped in that very spotlight. We need to make sure more social workers move to the front of the stage willingly. Celebrating and promoting their successes will be an important aspect of the profession taking ownership of its own development.

Recent investment, not least from the implementation of the Social Work Task Force report, is beginning to make a difference. The social work improvement fund for local authorities, last year’s national marketing campaign, the development of employer-based initial training through the Step up to social work project, and the popular newly qualified social worker project, are all helping employers to recruit and retain the best.

When we ask social workers to demonstrate skills of investigation and judgement, showing empathy and intellectual strengths, we know we are asking a lot. But in spite of the demands and attention paid to their work, there are those who still really want to train as children’s social workers. To see the evidence just look at last year’s national recruitment campaign which led to 57,000 people registering their interest in training for the profession, as well as the rise in applications to UCAS by over 40 per cent. But recruiting these social workers of the future is just one step, keeping them and developing their skills needs the same attention.

At times social work can feel a lonely place, so the profession needs to feel the support from those around them. Family support workers, residential social care staff, youth workers, those in the health sector, and administrators and managers working for their employer are part of the wider team that provides high-quality assistance. If I can be indulged one more time to stretch my theatre metaphor, social workers are the lead role in what must be a ‘variety show’ that can bring people together for the benefit of the most important audience – children and families.

• Jane Haywood is the chief executive at the Children’s Workforce Development Council