Howard Cooper is new director of Wirral social services
HOWARD Cooper has taken over as Wirral’s new social services director this week, tasked with restoring the tarnished reputation of the department following a scathing report by the Care Quality Review.
The report, released earlier this year, heavily criticised social services for its poor performance in safeguarding adults with learning difficulties.
The council also came under fire for performing poorly in helping adults with learning disabilities to have increased choice and control of social care.
A plan of action, based on recommendations in the CQR report, has been set in place and council leader Cllr Jeff Green said this week that it had been made “absolutely clear” that the department must be turned round.
He commented: “We must safeguard our most vulnerable people as a first priority. I was absolutely shocked that the previous administration had let the situation get to the stage it was at. It was absolutely appalling.”
Cllr Green went on: “We are now putting the people and support in place to turn the situation round.
“Progress will be closely monitored and I believe that Howard Cooper is absolutely the right person to do the job.”
One of Cllr Green’s first actions as leader was to bring in special investigator Anna Klonowski to conduct an independent review into the council’s adult social services arising from allegations made by Martin Morton, a former social services living development officer.
He raised concerns about overcharging to the Wirral Globe in November 2008 after he was given a £45,000 pay-off from the council to leave his job.
Cllr Green said: “I asked Anna to conduct an independent review into the whole Martin Morton debacle and review what had gone on and make sure that a situation like this could not occur again.
“Her work is still ongoing and I have asked her to play a role in reviewing the effectiveness of the action plan put together to respond the the CQR report.”