Doncaster social services bid for more staff
DONCASTER’S under-fire social services are hoping a recruitment push tomorrow will help turn the service around.
Social work managers and frontline staff working in Doncaster Council’s Children and Young People’s Service are to host a social care recruitment open evening at the Keepmoat Stadium.
Children’s services were put under Government control after a series of deaths in the borough involving children who had crossed the council’s radar. Concern was also raised after two boys in the care of the council tortured two youngsters in Edlington in a case which shocked the nation.
Doncaster Council says tomorrow’s event, held in the players’ lounge between 5pm and 8pm, is an important opportunity for interested and suitably qualified candidates to come along and find out more about coming to work in Doncaster.
Coun Andrea Milner, Doncaster Council’s cabinet member for the children and young people’s service, equalities and cohesion, said:
“The legacy of difficulties experienced in the past will always remain, but today really is a new dawn for us in Doncaster, and one that is focused on manageable workloads, increased supervision, and total support for our talented and dedicated staff.”
Representatives from the council’s multi-agency partner agencies will also be attending the event.
Mary Shepherd, designated nurse for safeguarding children at NHS Doncaster, said: “The NHS in Doncaster is enthusiastically backing the New Dawn campaign as it builds on many new developments we’ve introduced across the health and social care community to create better, integrated services for children and families.
“We see it as the start of an exciting new journey, one that offers a fantastic opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of local children and families.”