Report branding Birmingham social services unfit for purpose wins award
An investigation which branded Birmingham’s children’s social services department as unfit for purpose has won a national award for straight-talking.
The all-party inquiry headed by Tory city councillor Len Clark took top prize at the Centre for Public Scrutiny’s annual conference in London.
Judges were impressed by the frankness of the Who Cares report, which exposed poor practice by social workers and incompetent management.
The document was published last October shortly before the manslaughter trial of the mother and step-father of Khyra Ishaq, the seven-year-old Handsworth girl starved to death despite being known to social services and city education officials.
Coun Clark (Con Quinton) found “long term malpractice that contributed to a significant malfunctioning” within children’s social services.
More than half of case files on children at risk contained “unacceptably poor practice”, social workers regularly failed to attend case reviews and had limited contact with the children they were supposed to be looking after.
The report’s recommendations for shaking up children’ services led to an improvement plan which is now in place.
A Serious Case Review into the circumstances surrounding Khyra Ishaq’s death will be published next month.
The Centre for Public Scrutiny described the scale and nature of the press coverage that followed Who Cares as “absolutely striking” and said it could hardly believe such a frank and hard-hitting document had been produced by the council.
Coun Clark said: “It is a credit to the bold leadership within the council that we were given the freedom to be so open and honest about the problems in children’s social care.
“I am determined to see the recommendations we made in the report are followed through.”
Council leader Mike Whitby described the report as “robust, challenging, fair and focused on improving outcomes for our city.”