Fewer adults receiving council-funded residential care
The number of adults receiving council-funded residential care in England fell in 2007/08 compared to the previous year, a report from The NHS Information Centre shows.
However the number of adults receiving care in the community; such as home care, meals or day care increased, according to: Community Care Statistics 2007/08: Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care for Adults, England: Full Report.
The report presents information about care provided by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England from April 1 2007 to March 31 2008.
It shows an estimated 1.8 million adults received care services during 2007/08, approximately the same as the previous year. Of those receiving services in 2007/08:
* an estimated 25,000 adults received Local Authority staffed residential care — 10 per cent less than in 2006/07
* an estimated 102,000 adults received nursing care — three per cent less than in 2006/07.
* approximately 199,000 adults received independent sector residential care — two per cent less than in 2006/07.
* an estimated 1.5 million adults received community based services — one per cent more than in 2006/07.
In 2007/08 CASSRs were contacted approximately 2.1 million times by new clients, a 1% (30,000) increase on the previous year.
An estimated 661,000 new clients had first assessments completed in 2007/08, a 2% (11,000) increase on the previous year.
Robert Lake, director of social care at The NHS Information Centre, said: “Fewer people are now receiving council-funded care in a residential or nursing home compared to previous years. This is not unexpected, given the government’s aim for more people to receive care in their own homes. This continues the trend seen in recent years”
The report includes additional information such as data on direct payments, the receipt of care plans and the assessment and review of carers’ needs.
The full report is at: www.ic.nhs.uk/pubs/ccs0708rapc-FR