Laming calls for end to ‘buck-passing’ culture
Lord Laming has called on local authorities to end the “buck-passing” culture and ensure social services do not shoulder all the responsibility for child protection.
Speaking to a packed meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children, Laming urged the Local Government Association (LGA) and local authorities not to allow services to leave safeguarding to social workers.
He said joint responsibility was key in ensuring effective child protection measures and added that the government had set up children’s trusts and local safeguarding children boards (LSCBs) to ensure different agencies worked together.
Laming said: “Social work has fallen into the dangerous trap that means other services allow them to deal with the problem.
“Don’t allow yourselves to be manipulated in this way and make sure everyone plays their part. You should say we swim together or sink together.”
Commenting on the recent publication of the Children, Schools and Families Select Committee report into the care system, Laming also called for a re-evaluation of residential care.