Exeter Forum Underlines Mental Health Shortcomings

Issues of concern regarding mental health care in Exeter have been raised by a group which represents patients.

Members of the Patient and Public Involvement Forum made two visits to Delderfield ward at the Cedars Unit, which provides acute mental health in-patient care for Exeter, to produce a report which has now been submitted to Devon Partnership Trust.

The forum is made up of local volunteers and is independent of the trust. Members thought that the Cedars needs improvements to the working environment and its physical appearance and facilities.

They also suggested that information for patients and their relatives and how it is communicated needs to be reviewed.

There are four beds used by the drug and alcohol service in Delderfield. The forum reported there is evidence that this is unhelpful to these clients and also to other patients and staff on the ward.

Patients with special needs also require greater consideration in facilities and resources, according to the report.

The forum was impressed with the dedication of staff who are frequently undertaking challenging work.

They said they would welcome evidence of a careful analysis of the resources necessary to support patients and carers through an acute episode on the ward.

Forum chairman Alan Worthington said: “The work on our psychiatric wards is extremely challenging – more than it used to be. In-patient services deserve to have a good physical environment and excellent staff resources receiving support and training.

“Patients, families and the ward staff deserve nothing less, if the time on the ward is to be effective for the patient to receive assessment, treatment and make a safe recovery.

“The report on Delderfield ward points to these issues of concern, which the Devon Partnership Trust needs to address.”

Delderfield ward’s modern matron, Lynne Jeary, said: “We work closely with the PPI forum and value their feedback about our services. We will be looking at the report and drawing up an action plan to address those areas where things can be improved.

“It is pleasing that the dedication of the staff at Delderfield is noted in the report.”

A service user said: “The mental health ward is where I go when all the other services can’t help and I need to be kept safe.”