Conference Will Contribute To ‘Refresh’ Of Children’s Workforce Strategy

The Children’s Workforce Network (CWN) has announced that it is hosting its first ever conference to bring together its Reference Group to network and contribute to the ‘Refresh’ of the Government’s Children’s Workforce Strategy.

To be held in London on 27 June, the one day conference will bring together members of the CWN’s Reference Group, made up of a wide range of interested mainly national organisations, to discuss the Refresh document and the development of CWN’s workstrands. The day will be built around four key consultation themes: integrated working, professional development, influencing national policy and challenges of delivery.
Feedback from the day will be compiled into a report which will be presented to the DfES over the Summer to help shape the Refresh document to the Children’s Workforce Strategy, due to be published in the autumn.
Paul Ennals, Chair of the Children’s Workforce Network comments: “The Children’s Workforce Strategy outlines a challenging vision, and CWN and its members have been working hard behind the scenes to support the achievement of integrated working and a service that puts the child at the centre. The Refresh document is an important next step, and CWN is pleased to be hosting this day which will bring together a broad range of views for an informative debate.

“The conference is a great opportunity for members of the Reference Group to get involved in shaping the Refresh document, and we look forward to a lively day and submitting a report that will ensure that the Refresh document is a powerful reinforcement of the Children’s Workforce Strategy, and that the right areas for development are identified.”
The CWN brings together relevant Sector Skills Council’s, including the Children’s Workforce Development Council, regulatory bodies, the Training & Development Agency for Schools, and the IDeA. It is a strategic alliance of independent partners who recognise that collaboration will help achieve more effective implementation.

Key areas of workforce reform that CWN is engaged with include the Integrated Qualifications Framework, with CWN Board acting as the Programme Board for the IQF. Other key priorities for CWN include identifying good practice examples of integrated working and addressing key issues of strategy in leadership and management within the children’s workforce.