Review Of Independent Living Funds Published

The Review of the Independent Living Funds, by consultants Melanie Henwood and Bob Hudson, has been published as part of the Government’s regular review of non-departmental public bodies.

The Independent Living Funds enable severely disabled people to live independently in their own homes. The Review recommends that the Funds should remain in their present form until 2009/10, but in the longer term that there should be a smooth transition towards full integration within a system of personalised budgets. The Government will carefully consider the report’s recommendations and will publish its response to the report by the summer recess.

Anne McGuire, Minister for Disabled People, said: “While I welcome this thorough and professional report which will inform discussions of the future of social care, my priority is to ensure that the people who use the funds will continue to be supported to live independently.

“I recognise the ground-breaking role which Independent Living Funds have played over the past 19 years, and how important their services are to the disabled people who use them to live independently. The Independent Living Funds have made a tremendous difference to thousands of disabled people, giving them independence and control over their own lives. And I am grateful to the Trustees for their continuing hard work and commitment.”