GSCC Welcomes Consultation On New Commissioning Framework
The General Social Care Council (GSCC) has welcomed the announcement by the Secretary of State for Health, Patricia Hewitt, on the Government’s proposals to consult on a new commissioning framework for health and social care.
The new Commissioning Framework is designed to increase investment and confidence across the health and social care sector. Continued training of the social care workforce improves its status and standing, putting it on a level footing with other professions in the heath sector.
Chief Executive, Lynne Berry said: “I welcome the focus of the consultation on well-being and outcomes for the whole community. It is right that the services we provide are based on real engagement with service users and the community. Commissioning plays an important role in the development of a trained and trusted workforce.
“Social care workers support people to do things for themselves and must therefore be skilled and trained in new ways. Introducing these ways of working depends on increased judgement and individual autonomy for the worker. Professional accountability will be increasingly important and commissioning will support the development of a workforce operating in partnership across sectors, with people who are comfortable in their independent and joint responsibilities.”