Hidden Harm – Three Years On

This new report published today provides an update and overview of the progress made in implementing the 48 recommendations made in the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) report Hidden Harm – responding to the needs of children of problem drug users, published in 2003.

The report has been compiled by the ACMD’s Hidden Harm Working Group -the first such Group set up by the Council to explicitly monitor and advise on implementation of recommendations made in one of its reports.

The report describes and comments on how local authorities and services have responded to the recommendations of the original Hidden Harm report. It also provides practice examples and information about implementation, together with key learning for the future.

It is hoped that the report will be read by Ministers and officials in UK government departments and by local ‘Hidden Harm champions’ including managers and practitioners in relevant fields, i.e. children’s services, maternity services and drugs services.