Alcohol ‘Blights’ Relationships

One in five people believe their partner drinks too much alcohol, according to a new survey. Twenty five per cent of those questioned also admitted to arguing when they drink with most claiming the cause of the row was “anything and everything”.

The research into the impact of alcohol on relationships was carried out as part of a government campaign to encourage responsible drinking.

Srabani Sen, from Alcohol Concern, said: “Too much alcohol can affect people who might otherwise think things were fine, with either their or their partner’s drinking.

“We’re beginning to realise though that alcohol misuse not only causes physical harm, but can also blight relationships.

“People need to be able to recognise the negative impact alcohol might be having on their lives and try to cut down to safer levels.”

The survey of 1000 people found that 18-24 year olds were the most likely age group to argue after drinking with 49% admitting to an alcohol-induced row compared with 37% of 34-44 year olds.

Of those questioned 31% claimed the rows were about their partner; 14% said money sparked the argument; 12% blamed their children; 11% cited domestic chores and 5% held their in-laws responsible.

More than a third of 18-24 year olds (37%) and 29% of 35-44 year olds said their partners’ behaviour was the biggest cause for their arguments when drinking.

Most couples said they resolved arguments quickly and move on. However, 10% admitted they never resolved the arguments and 11% let the argument escalate and just ignored each other.