Carers’ views sought for Caerphilly Council strategy
The views of unpaid carers are being sought by Caerphilly County Borough Council as it draws up a new a new three-year strategy to help support them.
The local strategy has been developed in partnership with unpaid carers, but the council wants to give other carers the opportunity for input on the priorities that will help make a difference to them and the person they care for.
The overall aim of this local carers’ strategy is to recognise the value that unpaid carers provide.
Councillor Robin Woodyatt, cabinet member for social services urged people to voice their opinions.
He said: “The council knows that Carers in our community provide much needed asstiance to those who depend on them and we want to ensure that we hear a wide variety of opinions that can be considered when drafting the final Local Carers Stategy.”
Anyone wanting to voice their opinions can do this by visiting and considering the content of the draft strategy then respond via the consultation questionnaire.
If you wish to receive a hard copy of the strategy and the consultation questionnaire in the post, please contact – Hayley Smith, Carers Support Worker on 01443 864604, or email [email protected]