Social Work Student Struck Off Care Register
A former social work student at Bangor university convicted last year of causing actual bodily harm has been struck off the professional social care register.
Darren Lewis was removed from the register as unsuitable for continued registration, the Care Council for Wales said yesterday.
The council’s conduct committee met in Cardiff to consider an allegation of misconduct brought against Mr Lewis, described as a former registered social work degree student, at the University of Wales, Bangor.
A statement said: “In coming to its decision, the committee considered one charge regarding a conviction of causing actual bodily harm which Mr Lewis was convicted of in December 2006 and the committee found the facts of the conviction did amount to misconduct.”
The chair of the conduct committee said: “The committee is mindful of the serious nature of the misconduct and considers his aggressive and violent behaviour a potential risk to the public. It is essential that the public have and continue to have confidence in the social care workforce.”