Scottish Government pledge £7m to help working parents tackle poverty
The Scottish Government has pledged £7 million in the next year to benefit parents in the workplace in a bid to fight poverty.
As part of the 2020/21 Budget process, the Parental Employability Support Fund will see £7 million invested as part of local government settlements to support parents in a bid to tackle in-work poverty.
According to the Scottish Government, 65% of the fund will be set aside for parents in a job.
The funding will also help improve links between local job services and the expansion of childcare the Scottish Government is hoping to introduce by the summer.
Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said: “In Scotland we have set in statute our ambition to eradicate child poverty and we are taking firm action to deliver progress.
“Last week’s Budget included £7 million of additional investment for the new Parental Employability Support Fund which will be delivered in partnership with local authorities across Scotland.
“This investment will deliver new and enhanced services, providing parents with tailored holistic employability support and linking with the opportunities that our massive expansion of early learning and childcare bring.
“Increasing household incomes from work and earnings is one of the keys ways to effectively tackle poverty – our investment will help ensure parents can access the jobs available and progress within employment.”
The Scottish Government said the fund will form part of its £16 million pot to be spent by 2022 to help parents get into work and upskill in a bid to boost earnings.
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