Review: Commissioning Arrangements for Looked After Children in London
The Institute of Public Care (IPC), Oxford Brookes University, has been appointed to conduct a review of the arrangements for commissioning fostering and residential care placements in London. The request has been made by Association of London Directors of Children’s Services (ALDCS) through London Councils.
The aim is to explore ways of improving the current system and practices. Local authorities in London have developed various collaborative arrangements to commission placements for children in their care. ALDCS is engaged in finding a better understanding of the varying arrangements in London. The focus will be on how the different arrangements operate, the links between them, the benefits and challenges, and the cumulative impact these have on effective commissioning and market development.
IPC will work with colleagues in all authorities and commissioning consortia in London, as well as service providers, to undertake the review. This work will run from February through to April 2018 and will involve a range of stakeholders.
To get involved or find out more contact Fiona Richardson or Judith Ramsden on 01225 484088 or [email protected].