Homecare & Reablement Assistant, Barra – 3 posts
Post 5046 – 21 hours per week, Permanent Position, £16,195 to £16,808 p.a. (inclusive of £1,556 Distant Islands Allowance p.a.)
Post 5048 – 17.5 hours per week, Permanent Position, £13,496 to £14,007 per annum (inclusive of £1,296 Distant Islands Allowance p.a.)
Post 5049 – 16 hours per week, Permanent Position, £12,339 to £12,806 p.a. (inclusive of £1,185 Distant Islands Allowance p.a.)
The Home Care and Reablement Service is looking for care staff who are caring, compassionate and reliable to join our team of skilled staff to support people living in our communities and enabling them to continue living at home. The service aim is to ensure a very good or excellent standard of care and support is provided at all times, based on person centred planning, compassion, dignity, respect and trust. If you would like to make a difference in the lives of people living in your local community this post could be for you. This is an extremely rewarding role and is highly valued by the recipients of the service and the wider community.
The post requires a qualification at SVQ 2 in Health and Social Care or equivalent qualification to enable registration with SSSC (Scottish Social Services Council).
New staff into the service will be supported to gain the qualification required within a short defined timescale to allow for career progression to the post of Home Care and Reablement Worker (£30,252 – £33,069 per annum, pro rata) inclusive of Distance Islands Allowance.
A full UK driving licence is essential. The wearing and use of PPE is essential in this role.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with Adults.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance.
Please see attached ‘Job Description & Person Specification ‘ for further information.
Interviews will be conducted in person, providing candidates with the chance to personally meet the team and experience our work environment.
Closing Date: Monday 27 January 2025
Neach-cuideachaidh Cùram Dachaigh agus Ath-chomasachaidh, Barraigh
Tha Seirbheis Cùram Dachaigh agus Ath-chomasachaidh a’ lorg luchd-obrach cùraim a tha dàimheil, truasail agus earbsach airson an sgioba de luchd-obrach sgileil againn gus taic a chur ri daoine sna coimhearsnachdan againn agus leigeil leotha cumail orra a bhith a’ fuireach aig an taigh. ’S e amas na seirbheis a dhèanamh cinnteach gun tèid cùram agus taic aig ìre àrd a lìbhrigeadh fad na h-uìne, stèidhichte air planadh a tha ag aithneachadh fheumalachdan pearsanta dhaoine, truas, urram, spèis agus earbsa. Ma tha thu airson eadar-dhealachadh a dhèanamh ann am beatha dhaoine a tha a’ fuireach sa choimhearsnachd ionadail agad, dh’ fhaodadh gun còrd an dreuchd seo riut. ’S e dreuchd air leth buannachdail a tha seo, agus tha an fheadhainn a bhios a’ faighinn buannachd às an t-seirbheis agus a’ choimhearsnachd nas fharsainge a’ cur luach mòr air.
Feumaidh SVQ 2 ann an Slàinte agus Cùram Sòisealta no teisteanas co-ionann a bhith aig an neach a shoirbhicheas gus an urrainnear clàradh a dhèanamh le SSSC (Comhairle Sheirbheisean Sòisealta na h-Alba).
Gheibh luchd-obrach ùr san t-seirbheis taic gus an teisteanas fhaighinn a dh’fheumar taobh a-staigh clàr-ama goirid gus an urrainnear an dreuchd mar Neach-cuideachaidh Cùram Dachaigh agus Ath-chomasachaidh a dhèanamh (£30,252 – £33,069 gach bliadhna, pro rata), a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach.
Feumar cead-draibhidh RA slàn airson na dreuchd seo. Tha cleachdadh còmhdach-dìon PPE riatanach san obair seo.
San dreuchd seo, feumaidh tu ballrachd de Sgeama Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònta (PVG) a thaobh a bhith an sàs ann an obair riaghlaichte le Inbhich.
Tha tuarastal na dreuchd seo a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach.
Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh san Tuairisgeul Obrach agus san Tuairisgeul Pearsanta a tha an lùib seo.
Thèid agallamhan a chumail an làthair gu pearsanta, a’ toirt cothrom dha tagraichean coinneachadh ris an sgioba agus beachd fhaighinn air ar àrainneachd obrach
Ceann-latha: Diluain 27 Faoilleach 2025
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