Consultation: CoramBAAF – The future of fostering in England

CoramBAAF is consulting on a draft position statement about the future of fostering in England and would like the views of members, foster carers and those with experience of being fostered. The issues are set out in a draft position statement and an accompanying discussion paper on permanent fostering.

Since three quarters of the children and young people in care live with foster carers, CoramBAAF believes that an effective care system needs to prioritise fostering.

The position statement says: “Children and young people in foster care are very diverse in terms of age and the purpose for which they are in care. Currently foster care works well for some children and young people, particularly those where permanence is subsequently achieved through reunification with birth parents, care with family and friends, or adoption.

“For others the system works less well, and is particularly problematic for children needing permanent substitute family care and for those entering care as teenagers. These two groups are very different, and a single set of changes will not meet the needs of both.”

In the draft position statement CoramBAAF sets out a series of proposals looking at permanence in normal family life, professional foster care and changes to ‘confusing or problematic’ regulations and guidance. There is also a discussion paper on permanence in foster care.

Click here to find out more. If you wish to share any comments or thoughts on these two documents please contact Paul Adams at [email protected] by 11 December 2015.