Publications: Turning health & social care integration policy to practice (Scotland)

Adapting to the preventative agenda is one key challenge for the new integrated Health and Social Care Partnerships being established across Scotland. Their role is vital to the practical embedding of a preventative and anticipatory approach to the commissioning of services in future. 

Aiming to support this, the ALLIANCE has published ‘the Power of Prevention’, a collection of case studies drawn from their membership which highlights the potential of third sector organisations, including Third Sector Interfaces, to address some of the challenges around prevention. It places a spotlight on some of the innovative and effective models which are already operating in some areas of Scotland, but which could be more widespread.
It is hoped that Health and Social Care Partnerships in particular will find this helpful in informing their considerations of the types of interventions that they will commission to make a real difference to people’s lives.
Accompanying this, the ALLIANCE has also published ‘Integration: Turning policy into practice’ which describes a number of their progammes that can support Health and Social Care Partnerships to meet the National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes and to take forward integration in a way that reflects the Planning and Delivery Principles, particularly through supporting effective, participatory strategic needs assessment and commissioning and locality planning.