Guidance: Nutritional guidance and standards for childcare providers in Scotland

This guidance has been developed to help Early Years childcare providers to meet the Scottish Government National Care Standards: Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 (2009).

It also highlights the importance of nutrition in the early years and the role that childcare providers have in shaping both current and future eating patterns in young children in Scotland. It is an update of the Nutritional Guidance for the Early Years: Food Choices for Children Aged 1–5 Years in Early Education and Childcare Settings produced in 2006 and combines with the content of Adventures in Foodland (NHS Health Scotland, 2004) to include practical activities to encourage healthier choices in young children.

This printable version of the guidance is available for planning purposes in the first instance. NHS Health Scotland will continue to work on the design of the document and will be working over the next few months with partner organisations and stakeholders to ensure the guidance is used to its full potential.