Serious Case Review Report – Evelyn Rose-Muggleton – Northamptonshire SCB

The Northamptonshire Serious Case Review Sub Group took the decision on 17 May 2018 that, with reference to the requirements as set out in Chapter 4 of Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015), the threshold was met to commission a Serious Case Review in respect of Child Ap – Evelyn Rose-Muggleton.

1.1.2 Child Ap died of a suspected non-accidental injury. Mother’s Partner, hereafter referred to as Mr X, was charged and subsequently convicted of her murder. There had also been concerns about the care of the four other children in the family, manifest in the previous history of involvement with statutory agencies. Given these factors, a Serious Case Review was considered warranted.

1.1.3 This recommendation was endorsed by the Independent Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) Chair on 11 June 2018 (hereafter referred to as the Northamptonshire Safeguarding Partnership).

1.1.4 The mandatory criteria for carrying out a Serious Case Review as set down in Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015), is as follows:

(a) abuse or neglect of a child is known or suspected; and

(b) either:

(i) the child has died; or
(ii) a child is seriously harmed and there are concerns about how organisations or professionals worked together to safeguard the child.

1.1.5 The purpose of a Serious Case Review is to undertake an independent, proportionate, appraisal of practice, whilst also recognising the complex circumstances in which professionals are working. A review also seeks to understand the role of all agencies involved with a family, to identify improvements which are needed and to consolidate good practice. It is not about apportioning blame but should encourage a culture of continuous learning.

1.1.6 For the purposes of transparency all Serious Case Reviews are required by the Department of Education to be published. The report author is aware of the sensitivity of the information contained in this report and the distress that it may cause to family members. All personal information is therefore anonymised, and pseudonyms have been used to refer to key family members and those connected with Child Ap…

Click here for our news story and download the Serious Case Review here.