Report: Revolving Door – Vulnerable children being overlooked in cycle of referrals

Action for Children are concerned that opportunities to intervene early are being missed. Some children are stuck in a revolving door into social care, in a cycle of referral and assessment, but only receiving help at crisis point.

Vital family support services for problems like domestic abuse provide help that can stop problems spiralling out of control, and prevent the need for statutory services later on.  However, years of austerity and budget cuts mean that often, these essential support services are no longer available.

The charity examined whether children who are vulnerable but don’t meet the criteria for statutory support, were directed to early help services that could help them and their families.

Read the initial report, here:

Further research around who these children are, how many times they are getting referred and how many are not receiving help at all is publish in the latest report which you can download here: