Explore over 300 NHS careers with online mentoring project

The NHS Online Mentoring project is designed to help young people explore over 300 careers available in the NHS. Mentees are matched with a mentor working in their area of interest; mentors could be from frontline clinical roles, administration and clerical or finance and estates management.

The mentors answer the young people’s questions and provide an insight into what their role really entails and the educational routes they took to get there, alongside helping their mentee to develop study and employability skills.

The project website features activities and other resources about working in the NHS which mentees and mentors can work through to give structure and support to the mentoring relationship.

There are two strands to the project:

1. NEET programme (Not in Education, Employment or Training) aimed at young people aged between 18–24 – this includes events, workshops, online activities, with online mentoring and a two week work experience opportunity within the Trust.

2. Schools programme – open to disadvantaged Year 12–13 pupils in schools and colleges – this includes online activities and online mentoring only.

The project is funded by the Department of Health for one year, however, it is hoped the project can be sustainable beyond this period.

If you are interested in participating, further information can be found at https://www.nhsementoring.org/