55 degree programmes approved by the College of Social Work

55 qualifying social work degree programmes have met the high standards required to qualify for College endorsement – a key aspect of sector agreed reforms for social work education, aimed at driving up professional standards.

TCSW’s Chief Executive Annie Hudson said: “College endorsement of qualifying programmes is an important step in the improvement agenda for social work education, and we are pleased that 55 qualifying programmes have been endorsed by The College.

Social work students must receive the best education possible to prepare them for the rigours and challenges of practice; this includes receiving excellent support and supervision on practice placements by experienced social work professionals.”

Chair of TCSW’s Endorsement Panel Aidan Worsley said: “Our endorsement scheme provides a quality kite mark for qualifying programmes. College endorsement indicates quality above the threshold standards required for HCPC approval. This is important news for prospective social work students, as they now have a quality benchmark for comparing qualifying programmes.

Similarly, social work employers can use this benchmark to help ascertain which social work students have received thorough and high quality social work training.”

TCSW’s endorsement scheme incorporates all of the Social Work Task Force recommendations that relate to social work education.

To see the qualifying programmes, visit: http://www.tcsw.org.uk/EndorsedHEIs/