Group to look at future of Bryneithin care home

A CABINET working group is to be established over the future use of the former care home at Bryneithin.

The Vale of Glamorgan Council Cabinet discussed a report on Monday (April 8) which recommended generating options for the site to assist in meeting the needs of older people in the area.

But it was also recommended that the director of social services be authorised to demolish the building if it is deemed a more cost effective option than securing the vacant site.

The Dinas-based home was closed last month after the last remaining resident was moved to another facility in Barry.

Day care serviced remained in the form of Crossroads in the Vale, until their move to Breaksea Drive, Barry Island, last week.

The closure follows years of uncertainty of the future of the site which the previous Conservative-administration tried to close four years ago, calling it unfit for purpose.

Improvements have since been made at the facility

Speaking at the cabinet meeting council leader Councillor Neil Moore said the future arrangements for the site needed to be dealt with Cllr Stuart Egan, the deputy leader and cabinet member for adult services said he wished to re-iterate that he still belived Bryneithin should be used for older people.

But campaigner Margo Fabrace said questions remained unanswered.

“They say older people, but they are not saying if they mean to make it a dementia centre of excellence.

“Theyhave also had four years to plan for this. But they seem to have nothing in place at all.”

Dinas Cllr Keith Hatton said: “We are keen to see progress with Bryneithin. We are glad we have had assurances that the Vale Council intends to use the site for the elderly.

“We will continue to press the Vale to ensure that focus remains on this issue.”
The future of Bryneithin is next due to be discussed as an urgent item at the social care scruting committee meeting on April 15.