Report on Wrexham social services unveiled

A REPORT by Wrexham’s Social Services department says it has made positive progress this year. The unit published its first annual performance report on Friday.

Andrew Figiel, Statutory Director for Social Services, presented the document to Wrexham council’s Executive Board. The report goes into detail about the service’s delivery and performance and plans for improvement in the future.

Members heard that in Adult Social Services more older people were supported to live at home, more luncheon clubs and befriending schemes were supported and the number of people getting direct payments or individual budgets to pay for their care had also increased.

In Children’s Social Services more short term breaks for disabled children and their families were provided, and more young carers received backing than ever before.

Lead members of the Council for Adults and Children’s Social Services, Cllrs Joan Lowe and Arfon Jones, said: “We welcome this first annual report. It describes some key achievements and positive outcomes for service users and carers.

“We consider it to be a recognisable picture of how social services have performed in 2008/09.”