Consultation events for NI social work strategy

Social workers are being asked to attend consultation events to consider the merits of the 10 Year Strategy for Social Work In Northern Ireland: 2010 – 2020. Set to be held in Belfast and Derry the events form part of a wider consultation process into the ambitious review of the social work profession.

Launched on 23 July the strategy is promising to ‘focus on supporting frontline staff and their managers to deliver a safe, effective, high quality social work service through challenging times’. NIASW is urging all members to take part in the consultation events and ensure policymakers recognise the pressures that social workers are under in their work.

There are two consultation events. The first takes place in Belfast on 27 September (14.00-16.30) at the headquarters of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council. The second is on 8 October (10.00-12.30) at the Multi-Disciplinary Education Centre, Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry.

The initial consultation process ends on 15 October.

**To book your place at one of the events before 20 September, email [email protected]

View the 10 Year Strategy documents and have your say by visiting**