Leeds residents to benefit from £1m care initiative

Government care minister Norman Lamb visited Leeds yesterday to launch an initiative called Developing Empowering Resources in Communities (DERiC).

DERiC will invest a £1m loan from Big Society Capital in community organisations which support people who receive personal budgets to pay for their own care.

The scheme has been rolled out following a successful pilot in the city, and now four new programmes will be set up in Leeds, along with three elsewhere in the UK.

Nick O’Donohoe, CEO of Big Society Capital, said: “The elderly and vulnerable may not always receive the care they need due to a system under strain.

“We are determined to see more programmes like this across the country and will be working closely with Leeds City Council to ensure that all local authorities understand what can be achieved through accessing differing sources of funding.”

Coun Adam Ogilvie, Leeds City Council’s executive member for adult social care, said the programme was a great example of an innovative way to allow people to live independently in their own homes.