Hayes benefit fraud care worker jailed

A CARE worker who claimed benefits totalling over £60,000 has been jailed. Joy Rukyemampunzi, of Saint Dunstan’s Close, Hayes, was sentenced to six months imprisonment and ordered to pay £10,000 in compensation to Hillingdon Council after admitting to five counts of benefit fraud.

Harrow Crown Court heard how Ms. Rukyemampunzi, 46, claimed housing/council tax benefits and income support, and failed to declare that she worked as a care assistant at Orione House Care Home, in Kingston.

Investigations revealed that she started claiming the money in 2004, and in the four years that followed, she fraudulently obtained benefits that totalled £61,552.31.

She was rumbled in 2008 when the Department for Work and Pensions cottoned onto her deceit and Hillingdon Council began to investigate.

Garry Coote, Hillingdon’s benefit fraud team manager, said: “We are always pleased when another benefit cheat is caught.

“We will take severe action against individuals committing benefit fraud.”