Cocaine Epidemic Triggers Mental Health Crisis
A Class A drug epidemic has triggered a huge surge in the number of young people being treated for mental health disorders, according to a NHS study.
Hospital admissions where drugs were given as a secondary factor in mental health and behavioural disorders almost tripled from 13,300 in 1997 to 38,400 in 2006.
This included 15,700 young adults aged 25-34 last year, a three fold rise blamed largely on the increased use of cocaine.
The Information Centre for Health and Social Care (IC) report showed the number of hospital admissions where drugs were the primary cause remained relatively stable.
But when drugs were a secondary diagnosis there was a rapid rise year-on-year in all age groups.
The IC’s chief executive, Professor Denise Lievesley, said: “Whilst it is pleasing to see that overall drug use seems to be dipping, and more people are accessing treatment, the increase in the use of Class A drugs – fuelled by higher consumption of cocaine – gives us cause for concern.
“We hope that Government, policymakers and the NHS will use these figures to help inform the development of strategies aimed at reducing the harm caused by illegal drug use.”