New online tool to help access NI mental health services

Northern Ireland Health Minister, Jim Wells, has launched a new online service that provides easier access to information about mental health services across Northern Ireland.

The new service will provide mental health service users, their carers and health professionals with information on referral criteria and the range of services available from both statutory and voluntary & community mental health organisations. It also provides links to other relevant websites that users may find helpful.

The Minister said: “The Bamford Report and the Transforming Your Care Review both recognised the need to make better use of technology to give easier access to information about mental health services.

“The new Mental Health Services Finder is one of the first steps towards achieving this. It will help to kickstart a change in how information about health services, including mental health, is available in the future.”

Minister Wells continued: “The views of many interested groups and individuals have influenced the information available on this new tool. This is just the start as it will grow and evolve over time to meet the needs and demands of its users.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to the development of this project.”

The Mental Health Services Finder was developed by DHSSPS, in partnership with the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) and nidirect. It is intended that this new online tool will be the first in a series of improvements to the way information about the health service is accessed.

The new Mental Health Services Finder tool can be accessed here: