Views sought on NI health & social care recommendations

Northern Ireland Health Minister Jim Wells has launched a consultation into the recommendations in the so-called ‘Donaldson report.’

Last month, the Minister published Sir Liam Donaldson’s report, ‘The Right Time, The Right Place’, which examined governance arrangements for ensuring the quality of health and social care provision in Northern Ireland. The report set out ten recommendations which refer to a wide range of areas across the health service.

Following publication of the report the Minister (Left, pictured with Sir Liam Donaldson) said: “Sir Liam’s report is far-reaching and while I agree with its main conclusions, some of the specific recommendations will take time to address. As such, it is time for those who are committed to the delivery of high quality health and social care services to engage in open, honest, intelligent debate and I am keen to receive written comments on the recommendations.”

The recommendations in the report include the establishment of an international panel to deliver a re-configuration of HSC services. Other recommendations relate to the re-design of the commissioning system, a new implementation plan for Transforming Your Care, a potentially expanded role for the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA), including a review of current whistle-blowing policy, and modification of the Serious Adverse Incident (SAI) reporting system, including the introduction of a duty of candour.

A stronger patient voice is a consistent theme throughout the report and Sir Liam has recommended the establishment of a Northern Ireland Institute for Patient Safety, which would include a central role for patients and families, a more independent Patient and Client Council (PCC) with current or former patients as board members and the use of a patient experience survey to rate hospitals and inform resource allocation and remuneration of staff.

The Minister continued: “I have already asked that the six Health Trusts work with each other, with their staff and other stakeholders to develop a combined response to the report and its recommendations. Their response will in particular reflect the views of front line staff, who are key to delivering on the change which is needed.

“This is your chance to help shape the development of future health policy. It is an opportunity for stakeholders to engage with each other, with political representatives and with the Department. The best change comes from the ground up and I urge everyone to contribute with their input and ideas so that these may be taken into consideration when deciding on how to move forward in transforming our health service into a world leader.”

The consultation is available on the DHSSPS website. It seeks your views on the recommendations arising from the Donaldson Report, and should be read in conjunction with the report which includes the recommendations.

The 12 week consultation will run from 24 February 2015 and close at 5pm on 22 May 2015.